Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Java Database connectivity guide from DataBase Guide

  • Tuesday, September 14, 2010
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  • Java database connectivity is basically an application that enables users to access pertinent data by the use of queries. The users can update significant information within the given database. The program supports the access to files from spreadsheets, flat files and databases transforming into backstage access to database independent to database management system used. Java database connectivity provides an easy to use platform by choosing the most appropriate platform to use. One simply needs to retrieve an object from the driver manager.

    High availability usually describes a network and all of its components available for data input, processing and report. The system determines the success depending on planning and understanding the tolerance that would affect the network. Even at small corporation level, high availability is desirable and necessary. As system failure should not bring down the entire system, so fault tolerance is important measure of high availability system. Thus creating such a high availability system involving extensive planning with least potential failure is very important.

    Disasters may occur naturally or man made and is usually difficult to predict their occurrence. Disaster recovery is the ability of a system to recovery its entire electronic data in shortest possible time interval. It involves a lot of forward planning and policy settings. Possibilities involve facing a number of threats like hacking, electrical failure, human error and natural disasters. Keeping off-site data backups may be sufficient for smaller corporations, but in case of a larger corporation it would be provisioned and costed as a part of their annual budget.

    Merging two or more databases and producing a meaningful report is what we call as data integration. It is thought as a major headache for IT professionals. Databases are designed such that they suit the need of the software used and not for merging purposes. Creating a report would mean combining a number of databases having different formats. Merging requires special database combining skills. So, compatibility between various databases by implementing new versions is the need of IT departments these days. So, many of the bigger companies in the corporate world were created thru data merging using different software and databases.

    Thus in Java database connection, one would learn to manipulate certain files in order to develop query statements. One needs to keep in mind that they are represented by statements, prepared statements and callable statements procedure. 

    1 Responses to “Java Database connectivity guide from DataBase Guide”

    ndyteen said...
    6:34 PM

    thx for sharing info

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